Drew and Daniel realised that these could be perceived as troubling times, finding identity amidst angst about race, mixed race, duel heritage, the vast array of descriptions we have developed for not offending every category of racial background is confusing. Fitting in is important and things don’t always go to plan. Members of our family, unbeknownst to us, were having their own identity crisis with regards to exactly where they fitted in. Too dark? Too light? Too mixed to have a voice, we decided to push the very thin boundaries and explore a topic we were either too unaware of or more than likely too embarrassed to talk about, for whatever stupid reason. Racism has been around in society for as long as we can remember and it has obviously touched us personally and also members of our family, subliminally or not, in such a way that it has become a part of who we are- that we never really thought about digging deeper to find out how it really affected us. Being of mixed heritage made it all the more confusing and found us struggling for acceptance. This isn’t an unusual story, it’s just our story and our take on a topic that has influenced our very existence This podcast is really about giving a voice to those people of mixed heritage – initially within our own family, whose racial background is not always obvious due to their pale skin colour and have found themselves to be at the centre of a personal racial dilemma, and at times having to prove their ethnic credentials in order to be heard.
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
The stigma attached to having a mixed-race child caused Caroline’s maternal mother to give her for adoption at only a few months old.
Her adoptive parents endured being snubbed by neighbours, confused as to why they hadn’t adopted a white baby. Nonetheless, Caroline’s parents couldn’t have been more loving and offered support and encouragement in her upbringing and development.
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Born a twin in Zambia to an African mother and an Australian father, Nalishebo and her siblings moved with their father to The Northern Territory, Australia aged 13.
Dealing with the emotional tear from their mother 7000 miles away, they had to endure racial suffering in the Australian outback.
But amidst the emotional pain and suffering, she carved a road to success, representing Australia in Miss world 1999 and more recently receiving her doctorate degree and title as Dr Nalishebo Elliott.
Nonetheless, historical wounds can take their time to heal.
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
#06 - The Race Dilemma Podcast - Summary Episode - The Story So Far...
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
We’d thought we’d just summarise briefly the last 5 episodes and bring to a close the family season of the race dilemma. Although closure is not something that is written in stone, we hope the story may continue...
But for now, we will broaden the conversation out further afield to people outside the family who have shown an interest in sharing their stories.
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
In this episode, we speak with our first cousin Esther Hallman.
Of Pakistani and German heritage, growing up in a suburb of west London, she didn’t always find it easy to fit in a particular group…a result of a mixed heritage background or simply her nature?
Please email us @ theracedilemmapodcast@gmail.com to be featured on a future episode.
If you like the episodes, please rate and leave a review on Apple Podcasts. And... if you feel someone you know would like the podcast, please share it with them.
Thanks for your continued support.
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
The story continues with another family member, this time with our cousin Stuart Morrison and although of Anglo Indian heritage, Stuart’s fair skin colour never left him in doubt about his very proud background but soon realised that the confusion was with other people.
Please send an email to theracedilemmapodcast@gmail.com if you would like to be featured on a future episode.
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
This episode is a conversation with Daniel's son Abel, and although only two years younger, his appearance is different to his sister Florence… he has an olive skin tone and brown curly hair and according to his sister, he has a more exotic look about him.
This is the first time he’s ever expressed an interest in voicing his opinion on his mixed heritage. Seemingly was never really affected by any negativity his heritage may have encouraged, Abel gives good insight about perceptions of people of colour in today’s society.
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
The catalyst for this podcast, Daniel's daughter Florence Sloane, tells her story of how being white on the outside left her feeling unqualified to contribute to conversations about racism, even though close members of her family had experienced it first hand. This presented a race dilemma for her...
Growing up she thought she looked Asian only to find out that other Asian girls thought otherwise and it was the realisation that people generally thought she was white and made assumptions about how she might think.
In this episode, Florence shares her experience of being perceived as white whilst still feeling very connected and proud of her Pakistani heritage.
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
In the first episode, we give a brief insight into one or two of our experiences in which racism made a big impact on us - our first realisation that we were in fact of a mixed background and that people judged us on our skin colour, left us a little confused about where we fitted in, mainly due to the way in which we were perceived by others.